
The final results of the 14th Michał Spisak International Music Competition

22 October 2023

We are pleased to present the final results of the 14th Michał Spisak International Music Competition in categories: trumpet, horn and trombone.

Category: trumpet

I place
Jiawei Chen (People’s Republic of China)

II place
not given

III place
Amelia Kowalewska (Poland)

Kamil Jurkiewicz (Poland)

Category: horn

I place ex aequo 
Daniel Schimmer (Germany)
Łukasz Podłucki (Poland)

II place
Maciej Dujczyński (Poland)

III place
Michał Maleska (Poland)

not given

Category: trombone

I place
Eryk Mencner (Poland)

II place
Michał Salwa (Poland)

III place
Miłosz Leniec (Poland)

Vincent Löbner (Germany)

Congratulations to all participants and we wish them success in their musical careers!


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