
The festival’s exhibitions are open!

14 October 2023

On the inauguration day of the 14th Michał Spisak International Music Competition, we opened three exhibitions, which are accompanying events of the festival named after our patron.

Until November 24, guests of the Zagłębie Palace of Culture can visit the exhibition of Patrycja Antczak’s works “Between Sound and Image,” the post-competition exhibition of the 2nd Inter-University Poster Design Competition and the exhibition of the Drawing Activities Studio of the Katowice Academy of Fine Arts titled TOPOR/ŁABUZ/STUDENTS.

Between Sound and Image (October 13 – November 24, Main Hall of the palace)

The exhibition “Between Sound and Image” will present a fragment of Patrycja Antczak’s 2022 diploma realization; the animation “MUR” and selected posters from a series of realizations dedicated to music-themed films. The back Wall – a motif appearing in all works from the presented series has a symbolic meaning for the author. Each brick represents the barriers and sensations of the characters illustrated in the posters of the films, who have to face “the wall.” For Pinek, from the picture The Wall, it is the fame achieved by a musician, where the wall builds a barrier between artist and fan. For Sid and Nancy, the characters in Alex Cox’s film, the bricks in the wall become their growing drug addiction and their relationship with a toxic relationship. For the generation of hippies in the film Hair, the wall is the war they don’t want to take part in and the coercion from the authorities and a society that doesn’t accept them as they are.

Post-competition exhibition of the 2nd Inter-University Competition for Poster Design (October 13-November 24 Main Hall of the palace)

The 2nd Inter-University Poster Design Competition was organized by the Zagłębie Culture Palace in cooperation with the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice, the Faculty of Art at Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa and the Faculty of Arts and Sciences of Education at the University of Silesia in Katowice as part of the 3rd Michał Spisak International Festival “Classics and Neo-Classics” Dąbrowa Górnicza 2023.

The subject of the Competition was to create a poster design to promote the 15th International Michal Spisak Music Competition – the edition of the event scheduled for 2025 in the specialties of string instruments – violin, viola, cello. The design of the winning poster will promote the event and become part of the visual identity of the 5th International Michal Spisak Festival. Dąbrowa Górnicza 2025.

TOPOR/ŁABUZ/STUDENTS exhibition of the Drawing Activities Studio of the Academy of Fine Arts Katowice (October 13 – November 24 Art Gallery of the Zagłębie Palace of Culture).

The presentation of the Drawing Activities Studio has an anniversary character – it is an opportunity to summarize several years of cooperation between Prof. Bogdan Topor, PhD, and Andrzej Łabuz, PhD, Prof. of the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice. A selection of more than 30 drawing works by graduates and current students of the Studio will be presented.

The exhibition will be accompanied by a publication containing a commentary on the issue of drawing by Prof. Bogdan Topor, PhD, and a special text prepared on the occasion of the Studio’s anniversary by Maciej Cholewa – one of the Studio’s graduates, today a recognized visual artist and exhibition curator.

Photo report from the openings.



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